| Last Updated: 15 August 2017
PRADĚD (1491 m n. m.)
highest peak in Moravia
Recommended route:
Malá Morávka- Praděd– Ludvíkov - Praděd – Bělá pod Pradědem – Praděd- Malá Morávka
distance of 110 km, paved surface, rised 3 297 meters.
Notifications: Stars on Praděd is limited entrance for vehicles!
Checkpoints route will be marked with a logo
1. Malá Morávka - Hotel Kopřivná - 10% discount on accommodation
2. Vrbno pod Pradědem (Ludvíkov) - PERAS wellnes hotel - 10% discount on accommodation, 15% on wellness services
3. Bělá pod Pradědem - Horská chata Eduard - 10% discount on accommodation
4. Praděd - Hotel Praděd vysílač
Learn the details Praděd route: